Tuesday, September 26, 2006

New Pictures!!

Hi all! I thought it was about time I contributed some of my pics of what we've been doing in class and on our own. What we did yesterday was great! I actually got to saw out the hole for the rose!!! Yes, there is now a big hole in our beautifully planed soundboard. It's a little bigger than it was supposed to be, but that's ok. We can make it work! We were working on the nuts too, but they aren't quite done.

Elizabeth and Roman put the nuts in place. A close-up of the rose. Isn't it lovely??

Look! The rose! John is helping Roman nip off nails to hold the nuts in place.

Here is the harpsichord with the soundboard in place. How pretty!

Here is the harpsichord with a bunch of new stuff added, and Roman blowdrying the soundboard to shrink it into place!

Here are a few of us working on the keyboards.


Blogger JW said...

What does it mean to nip off nails?

12:57 AM  

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